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3 Challenges for EV solution providers & how to solve them

How EV providers are addressing FUD, infrastructure limitations, and charging speed
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While the infrastructure for EVs has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade, there’s still work to do to make more potential EV drivers feel in control of their futures. A number of different challenges for EV providers present potential roadblocks to broader consumer adoption, such as overcoming uncertainty, expanding charging infrastructure, and offering faster and more efficient charging options.

The consumer landscape has responded to the market's needs in many ways, yet there are clearly some more bumps to overcome along the way. Here’s how EV solution providers are rising to reassure consumers and meet them where they are.

Challenge #1: Overcoming FUD

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) are significant obstacles to driving EV adoption rates. According to our survey of EV drivers, 72.2% still experience range anxiety on a monthly basis. That uncertainty is surely recognized by their ICE-driving friends and family.

Yet nearly a fifth of surveyed EV drivers reported no longer experiencing any range anxiety whatsoever. The best way to keep pushing this trend in the right direction? More standardization and more charge points available to every driver. That’s why one of the best ways to put FUD in the rearview is by supporting the cause of EV roaming.

Choosing open and interoperable hardware and software makes meeting consumer needs easier. EV businesses visibly collaborating reduces FUD as drivers begin to normalize the concept of having a charging station—any charging station—wherever they need it. Just like knowing a gas station for their ICE car is only ever one freeway exit away.

There are many pieces to the FUD puzzle, all of which are important challenges for EV providers to solve. Yet, addressing range anxiety first and foremost helps to show that the industry is aware of and responding to one of the driving public’s greatest concerns about more wide scale EV adoption.

Challenge #2: Expanding to where consumers are

Private charging solutions are a crucial part of owning an EV. Our survey found 86% of EV drivers have access to them. Yet maintaining consumer confidence wherever an EV driver’s journey may take them is essential. Even if they charge at home the vast majority of the time, EV drivers want to know they can charge their EV out and about as part of their usual routine—such as shopping for groceries.

Walmart already has plans to build its own EV charging network across its U.S. locations, with new fast-charging stations coming to "thousands of Walmart and Sam's Club stores" by 2030. This is a clear sign from the retail giant that it recognizes the added value of EV charging stations for its already comprehensive facilities. Soon, Walmart customers will be able to get lunch, groceries, and a new wardrobe, all before loading up the trunk and departing in their freshly topped-off EVs.

Value-added resellers of EV solutions can take a page from Walmart’s book in empowering automotive infrastructure that already exists. That includes paying special attention to high-traffic parking lots and multi-family residences for the best return on investment. Turning the places members of your community already spend their time into charging stations instantly increases the appeal for both current community members and EV drivers who may have otherwise passed it by.

Challenge #3: Faster charging options

When it comes to charging, speed is the No. 1 item on EV drivers’ wishlists. Implementing Level 3 chargers is an important step toward meeting EV driver needs in the long term—and one that’s quickly becoming more common, as the U.S. now has one fast-charging station for every 15 gas stations. Yet the installation costs and maintenance of such chargers are still often out of reach for growing EV networks and charge point operators.

Fortunately, fast chargers aren’t the only way to increase a charge point’s consumer appeal. Relying on smarter software solutions that can monitor station use, offer remote troubleshooting, and guide drivers to working stations to reduce the chance of wasting their time will go a long way toward presenting a superior experience. That means more efficient charging and grid usage, all with a healthier bottom line.

Solving challenges

In short? Current challenges for EV providers are just consumer needs waiting to be addressed, and many businesses are already getting a head start. The market and our environment continue to call for electric alternatives to fuel-powered vehicles, and they present remarkable areas of opportunity for anyone looking to invest in a greener future.

Choosing the right software for your EV charging business can help you grow while avoiding unnecessary risks and inefficiencies. ChargeLab makes it easy to run your EV charging business better, so you can focus on turning challenges for EV providers into opportunities for differentiation.

Our universal and easy-to-use charging station management software (CSMS) gives network operators the power to control every charging station from a single hub. It helps EV charging businesses monitor, operate, and maintain their stations. And we stand behind it—we’re eager to give your business stellar service, complete with automatic grid monitoring, built-in revenue collection systems, and 24/7 end-user support.

Want to learn more about what we do? Send us a message today.

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